Crypto Bozos NFT Trivia of the Day

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a rare malignancy that accounts for around 1% of all cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that 20,240 people of all ages (11,230 men and boys and 9,010 women and girls) will be diagnosed with AML in the United States this year. AML is the second most frequent kind of leukemia diagnosed in both adults and children, however the majority of cases occur in adults and older children and adolescents.
This year, a projected 11,400 deaths (6,620 men and boys and 4,780 women and girls) will be caused by AML, according to estimates. The majority of the participants will be adults.
The 5-year survival rate informs you of the percentage of persons who live at least 5 years after being diagnosed with cancer. Percentage refers to the number of times out of 100. People aged 20 and older who have AML have a 5-year survival rate of only 26 percent. Individuals younger than 20 years old have a survival rate of 68 percent.
Survival of AML, on the other hand, is dependent on a variety of circumstances, including the biological characteristics of the disease and, in particular, the age of the patient. However, despite the fact that AML is a serious disease, it is treatable and generally curable with chemotherapy, either in conjunction with or without a bone marrow or stem cell transplant (BMT).
This is why Crypto Bozos NFT pledges to give 25% of the proceeds to charities focused on cancer research. In an industry filled with overnight quick rich schemes and greed, we plan on having an impact to the lives of the AML victims.
— Sincerely,
Crypto Bozos NFT